Saturday, June 23, 2012

Developmental Time

Julius' whale explanation: How Chace made his octopus: Harua's snake explanation:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

W.A.L. about our feelings

Today we all learnt about feelings. The feelings we learnt about were being happy, being sad, being proud, being scared, being confused(huh) and how it's ok to be angry but not ok to take it out on others. Feelings on PhotoPeach
Today we learnt that to Sneeze Safely by "Trapping it", "Binning It", "Washing Your Hands" and "Not Eating It" we can stop the spread of germs. We hope you follow these four tips to sneezing safely! Sneeze Safe on PhotoPeach

Sunday, June 3, 2012

WALT: use one artistic characteristic for our "Who am I" photos. Room 10 Artistic Photos on PhotoPeach

Reading for intonation.

"Intonation is when we use our voice to go high and low and use different tones aye Whaea?"
We are learning to add to ten using materials.
On Friday we had a fundraising disco for the Miniball team and it was fun. We were allowed to buy ice blocks, mini pizzas, drinks and cupcakes. It was so cool because we were allowed to pair up. My favourite part was when we all lined up and danced down the line in pairs.

Sneeze Safe

Our class along with the rest of the school had a sneeze safe assembly. We had to learn how to sneeze safely. We also got to see the sneeze bug come to life. With all our sneeze safe practises we were able to get rid of him. The two people that came to show us the sneeze safe came out dressed like The Men in Black. It was a cool assembly.